Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Climbing Blog/ Reflection

In terms of confidence in my abilities, I don't really feel I have improved due to the fact that I am afraid of heights and nothing can really change the fact that I am. I completed each and every climb that I attempted and I think this boosted my confidence level a lot, in the beginning of the unit my knowledge of climbing wasn't very high as well as my knowledge of how to climb. I was simply experimenting which is what raised my ability, confidence provoked me to enhance my ability to climb and I perceive it as an accomplishment. 

The various skills I have developed through only 3 classes is indescribable, when I came back from the break and saw all of this equipment I didn't even know what I was looking at, one thing that I have thoroughly been revived in is my comprehension towards the equipment. I also can climb much quicker than ever before and it was all in all an entertaining unit due to the fact that I accomplished a lot in a short time-period. 

The SLR that I felt I most utilized in this unit was learn enthusiastically, I tackled every challenge that I possibly could and completed ever climb except the overhang. My fear of heights usually overrides my ability to do things I don't want to, (in this case climbing) but I did do it and this is learning enthusiastically because I didn't allow fears to produce boredom, if I had done nothing and never tried I would never had experienced.

The goal that I set myself was to make an attempt at the overhang, I had tried in my previous years but had never succeeded, I didn't achieve my goal. What stopped me was a just reason, I was afraid of failing as well as I thought the difficulty level was high for me, and I was right. Another goal that I set was to make an attempt to do climb A in 10 seconds or less but I failed as I am a turtle a bit too slow for the wall. 

Next time I climb I will definitely make an attempt at the overhang, although I am pretty sure my laziness will block my inspiring thoughts. I also hope to do a backflip off the top of the wall next time I climb, I dream of a day when I become like spiderman and am able to do adventurous things like I had stated above.


I would rather exercise than read a newspaper.