“There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is peace & kindness.” The 14th Dalai Lama
If I were to originate a new world, the one prominent quality that I would like for it to have is tranquility. I would plead for just and peace to all people that are part of a dominion, I believe that it is consequential for the world to have serenity. Why should innocent people die or be punished because of a complication that other people have? I desire for firm regulations stationed in place so that all beings of our planet have the authority to live a liberated life. I want the people to have a realization that they are allowed to do what they want and not be fearful.
Peace is a tremendously cruicial part of a society because only a peaceful mind can lead a family, society, a community, a nation and the world to better prospects and progress. In my society I want everyone's conjecture on their way of life, what they would like to change and what they want to keep so we don't have oppressive individuals. I want everyone to be regarded and considered equally whichever way they look or however way they act so there are no disputes and quarrels. I also want to place laws so that they are associated in an equitable manner, anyone that would like to object against our mandate should do so in a amicable manner. If they do not do so they could be entitled to death or to be taken into custody. It is of crucial importance that the people of our community are safe and are dwelling in a placid place, the benevolence and tranquility are the intentions that I am aiming for in this community.
Without tranquility our world would be not a world that people are safe to dwell. Why live when you cannot live in serenity? Wars and disputes will take over the world, our human race will be petrified to even live. Peace is everything, it is the freedom to pursue who you are, it is the ability to express yourself without being questioned and it is the foundation of goodwill and cooperation. As mentioned earlier the dalai lama recited “There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is peace & kindness.” This means that peace is not something that is distinguished by a formula it is up to our own minds to become a dutiful person first.
Moral actions do positively contribute to a society. As he was growing up he did numerous ethical deeds. Tenzin Gyatso stood up to promote peace while others promoted violence, his ethical deeds utterly played a part not only to one but to various communities around the world. If people go ahead and do something with a positive purpose, we appreciate it but we cannot demand an action like that as we demand peace and fairness. We cannot feel others emotions as powerful as they do, but Dalai Lama did, he found what was being done is incorrect and as the leader of his country he assisted them when they needed him and he did what he thought was right. Even though Tibet hasn’t recovered full power over their country yet, Tenzin Gyatso promised his people that he will help them, and this is a moral action.
Envisage a world as appreciable as this one.
Is it possible?